: Public <<codeList>> Class
Created: 07/02/2012 14:54:05
Modified: 23/10/2012 15:19:14
-- Name --<br/>Renewable and waste value<br/><br/>-- Definition --<br/>Types of renewable and waste resources.<br/><br/>-- Description --<br/>NOTE Waste values have been included in this code list to simplify the code lists rather than to imply that only renewable waste is included.<br/><br/>
Notes: -- Name --<br/>biogas<br/><br/>-- Definition --<br/>A gas composed principally of methane and carbon dioxide produced by anaerobic digestion of biomass.<br/><br/>-- Description --<br/>SOURCE Adapted from Energy Statistics Regulation EC 1099/2008 .<br/><br/>
Notes: -- Name --<br/>geothermal<br/><br/>-- Definition --<br/>Energy available as heat emitted from within the earth's crust, usually in the form of hot water or steam. This energy production is the difference between the enthalpy of the fluid produced in the production borehole and that of the fluid eventually disposed of. It is exploited at suitable sites for electricity generation or directly as heat.<br/><br/>-- Description --<br/>SOURCE Adapted from Energy Statistics Regulation EC 1099/2008 .<br/><br/>
Notes: -- Name --<br/>hydro power<br/><br/>-- Definition --<br/>Potential and kinetic energy of water converted into electricity in hydroelectric plants.<br/>-- Description --<br/>SOURCE Adapted from Energy Statistics Regulation EC 1099/2008 .<br/><br/>
Notes: -- Name --<br/>industrial waste<br/><br/>-- Definition --<br/>Waste of industrial non-renewable origin (solids or liquids) combusted directly for the production of electricity and/or heat.<br/><br/>-- Description --<br/>SOURCE Adapted from Energy Statistics Regulation EC 1099/2008 .<br/><br/>
Notes: -- Name --<br/>liquid biofuels<br/><br/>-- Definition --<br/>Liquid biofuels are biogasoline, bio-diesels or other biofuels directly used as fuel.<br/><br/>-- Description --<br/>SOURCE Adapted from Energy Statistics Regulation EC 1099/2008 .<br/><br/>
Notes: -- Name --<br/>municipal solid waste<br/><br/>-- Definition --<br/><font color="#222226">Waste produced by households, industry, hospitals and the tertiary sector which contains biodegradable materials that are incinerated at specific installations.</font><br/><br/>-- Description --<br/>SOURCE Adapted from Energy Statistics Regulation EC 1099/2008 .<br/><br/>
Notes: -- Name --<br/>solar photovoltaic<br/><br/>-- Definition --<br/>Sunlight converted into electricity by the use of solar cells usually made of semi-conducting material which, when exposed to light, will generate electricity.<br/><br/>-- Description --<br/>SOURCE Adapted from Energy Statistics Regulation EC 1099/2008 .<br/><br/>
Notes: -- Name --<br/>solar thermal<br/><br/>-- Definition --<br/>Heat from solar radiation that can consist of solar thermal-electric plants or of equipment for the production of heat.<br/><br/>-- Description --<br/>SOURCE Adapted from Energy Statistics Regulation EC 1099/2008 .<br/><br/>
Notes: -- Name --<br/>solid biomass<br/><br/>-- Definition --<br/>Covers organic, non-fossil material of biological origin which may be used as fuel for heat production or electricity generation.<br/><br/>-- Description --<br/>SOURCE Adapted from Energy Statistics Regulation EC 1099/2008 .<br/><br/>
Notes: -- Name --<br/>tide, wave, ocean<br/><br/>-- Definition --<br/>Mechanical energy derived from tidal movement, wave motion or ocean current and exploited for electricity generation.<br/>-- Description --<br/>SOURCE Adapted from Energy Statistics Regulation EC 1099/2008 .<br/><br/>
Notes: -- Name --<br/>wind<br/><br/>-- Definition --<br/>Kinetic energy of wind exploited for electricity generation in wind turbines.<br/><br/>-- Description --<br/>SOURCE Adapted from Energy Statistics Regulation EC 1099/2008 .<br/><br/>
Tag Value
asDictionary true
Values: true
Default: true
Description: Encode code list as externally managed dictionary (applies to ISO 19136:2007 encoding rule). Always true in INSPIRE.
extensibility none
Values: none | narrower | any
Default: any
Description: This refers to extensions by a third party, not to extensions by the owner of the vocabulary; the owner will always be able to revise the vocabulary. I.e., if the value is 'none', the referenced vocabulary may not be extended by third parties; if the value is 'narrower', the vocabulary may be extended by narrower terms that have an existing term as a parent; if the value is 'any', the vocabulary may be extended by additional terms on any level. This value must be 'all', empty or missing, if the value 'vocabulary' is empty or missing; in this case any vocabulary may be used.
vocabulary <a href="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/codeList/RenewableAndWasteValue" target="_blank" >http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/codeList/RenewableAndWasteValue</a>
Description: URI of the vocabulary/code list in the INSPIRE code list registry or in some external registry. The value has to be provided, if an online version of the vocabulary exists.
xsdEncodingRule iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions
Values: iso19136_2007 | iso19139_2007 | iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions
Default: iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions
Description: XML Schema encoding rule to apply