: Public <<featureType>> Class
Created: 11/08/2008 09:20:58
Modified: 08/08/2009 22:54:50
-- Definition --<br/>A body of water that is entirely surrounded by land.<br/><br/>-- Description --<br/>SOURCE [DFDD].<br/><br/>NOTE It may occur in a natural terrain depression in which water collects, or may be impounded by a dam, or formed by its bed being hollowed out of the soil, or formed by embanking and/or damming up a natural hollow (for example: by a beaver dam). It may be connected to inflowing / outflowing watercourses or other standing waters.<br/>
Public Length
Notes: -- Definition --<br/>Elevation above mean sea level.<br/><br/>-- Description --<br/>SOURCE [Based on EuroRegionalMap].<br/>
Public Length
Notes: -- Definition --<br/>Average depth of the body of water.<br/>
Public Area
Notes: -- Definition --<br/>Surface area of the body of water.<br/>
Tag Value
byValuePropertyType false
Values: false
Default: false
Description: Create a property type that requires that the instance is encoded inline (applies to ISO 19136:2007 encoding rule). Always set to false in INSPIRE.
inspireConcept FIXME
Default: FIXME
Description: URN reference to the feature concept in the INSPIRE Feature Concept Dictionary Register
isCollection false
Values: true | false
Default: false
Description: Identifies the feature type as a feature collection.
noPropertyType false
Values: false
Default: false
Description: Surpress creation of a standard property type that supports inline or by-reference encoding (applies to ISO 19136:2007 encoding rule). Always set to false in INSPIRE.
xsdEncodingRule iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions
Values: iso19136_2007 | iso19139_2007 | iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions
Default: iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions
Description: XML Schema encoding rule to apply
Constraint Type Status
geometryIsSurfaceOrPoint OCL Approved
/* Standing water geometry may be a surface or point */<br/>inv: self.geometry.oclIsTypeOf(GM_Surface) or self.geometry.oclIsTypeOf(GM_Point)<br/>
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
«featureType» SurfaceWater Class Generalization To