: Public abstract <<type>> Class
Created: 10/04/2008 12:16:36
Modified: 10/04/2008 12:16:36
A coordinate reference system that is defined by its coordinate conversion from another coordinate reference system.<br/>
Element Source Role Target Role
«type» CC_Conversion
Name: referenceSystem
Not-navigable association from a Derived Coordinate Reference System that uses this Conversion.
Name: conversion
Association to the coordinate conversion used to define this derived coordinate reference system.
Tag Value
byValuePropertyType false
Values: false
Default: false
Description: Create a property type that requires that the instance is encoded inline (applies to ISO 19136:2007 encoding rule). Always set to false in INSPIRE.
isCollection false
Values: true | false
Default: false
Description: Identifies the type as an object collection.
noPropertyType false
Values: false
Default: false
Description: Surpress creation of a standard property type that supports inline or by-reference encoding (applies to ISO 19136:2007 encoding rule). Always set to false in INSPIRE.
persistence persistent
xsdEncodingRule iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions
Values: iso19136_2007 | iso19139_2007 | iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions
Default: iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions
Description: XML Schema encoding rule to apply
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
«type» SC_ProjectedCRS Class Generalization From  
«type» SC_SingleCRS Class Generalization To  
«type» SC_DerivedCRS Class Generalization From