
Deployments in North-Rhine Westphalia

1. Data provider

Datasets from multiple data providers from North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany.

2. Thematic scope

The following datasets are available:

In addition, extensions to the INSPIRE codelists are published in another API. This currently declares the item type as “features”, but it is planned to migrate this in the future to OGC API Records.

3. Envisaged use

The APIs are in production since November 2020.

4. Requirements classes

From the draft Good Practice:

The current development deployment supports the following OGC API requirements classes:

5. Server-side technology

The deployment uses XtraServer Web API from interactive instruments GmbH, which integrates ldproxy. ldproxy is available under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.

6. Endpoints and client applications

Landing page of the deployment:


7. Issues

All issues with respect to the requirements in the Good Practice document were resolved as part of the work on the Good Practice specification.

It would be good, if other INSPIRE service types could also be provided using current Web APIs. For example, see the issue on INSPIRE View Services.