Geographic Names: The Geographic Names Register contains approximately 800,000 named places and their names in different languages. There are also map names with cartographical information on the register. Please see more information about place, place name and map name products and their data sources on the product description or meta data(link is external)
Buildings: Buildings from municipalities and the National Land Survey of Finland stored in the National Terrain Database (KMTK). So far, no property information has been added for the buildings offered through the service.
INSPIRE AD and INSPIRE BU are beta services following INSPIRE simple encodings.
Geographic Names and Buildings are in production. INSPIRE AD and BU are in beta.
Web API conforms to following requirements classes
OGC API Features - Conformance classes:
An own server implementation by NLS Finland.
Java development (servlet) backed by a PostGIS database, configurable with a config file.
Geographic Names (Finnish Geographic Names Register):
Encoding: GeoJSON and GML 3.2.1
Status: In production (requires authentication key)
Encoding: GeoJSON
Status: In production (requires authentication key)
Adresses (INSPIRE AD)
Encoding: GeoJSON
Status: Beta (prototype)
Buildings (INSPIRE BU)
Encoding: GeoJSON
Status: Beta (prototype)