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PT - 2024: Country Fiche

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. State of Play
    1. Coordination
    2. Functioning and coordination of the infrastructure
    3. Usage of the infrastructure for spatial information
    4. Data Sharing Arrangements
    5. Costs and Benefits


The INSPIRE Directive sets the minimum conditions for interoperable sharing and exchange of spatial data across Europe as part of a larger European Interoperability Framework and the e-Government Action Plan that contributes to the Digital Single Market Agenda. Article 21 of INSPIRE Directive defines the basic principles for monitoring and reporting. More detailed implementing rules regarding INSPIRE monitoring and reporting have been adopted as Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/1372 on the 19th August 2019. This country fiche highlights the progress in the various areas of INSPIRE implementation. It includes information on monitoring 2023 acquired in December 2023 and Member States update.

State of Play

A high-level view on the governance, use and impact of the INSPIRE Directive in Portugal. More detailed information is available on the INSPIRE knowledge base.


National Contact Point

Coordination Structure & Progress:

Coordination structure

Functioning and coordination of the infrastructure

Technical constraints:

SDI development and INSPIRE implementation in Portugal in 2023 continued to evidence some of the technical constraints mentioned in previous years. Awareness and capacity building initiatives contribute to improve some of the issues considering the lack of qualified human resources in the public entities to cope with all the technical requirements involved in SDI & INSPIRE implementation (metadata creation, spatial data services development, data harmonization). INSPIRE data harmonization and the use of INSPIRE data for e-reporting are other examples where technical constraints are more visible. More recently the issues involved in the publication of HVD according to the Open Data Directive requirements can be added to this list.

Planned actions include:

Usage of the infrastructure for spatial information

Planned actions include: 

Data Sharing Arrangements

Planned actions include:

Costs and Benefits

Planned actions include: