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#ES-code - 2024: Country Fiche

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. State of Play
    1. Coordination
    2. Functioning and coordination of the infrastructure
    3. Usage of the infrastructure for spatial information
    4. Data Sharing Arrangements
    5. Costs and Benefits


The INSPIRE Directive sets the minimum conditions for interoperable sharing and exchange of spatial data across Europe as part of a larger European Interoperability Framework and the e-Government Action Plan that contributes to the Digital Single Market Agenda. Article 21 of INSPIRE Directive defines the basic principles for monitoring and reporting. More detailed implementing rules regarding INSPIRE monitoring and reporting have been adopted as Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/1372 on the 19th August 2019.

This country fiche highlights the progress in the various areas of INSPIRE implementation. It includes information on monitoring 2023 acquired in December 2023 and Member States update.

State of Play

Spanish SDI (Infraestructura de datos Espaciales de España, IDEE)

Spanish SDI logo

Spain transposed INSPIRE Directive into national law since 2010, called LISIGE “Law about Infrastructures and Services about Geographic information in Spain”, and has been implemented and maintainted the national INSPIRE nodes and regional INSPIRE nodes since then.

Spanish SDI geoportal is the access point national and regional SDI have two catalogues, tools and publishes their information thought view and download services.

The spatial data is published in the above catalogs and is classified as follows:

All of them are published through view and download services.

Spanish SDI paltform is meeting point for developers in the geospatial community, where different initiatives are brought together and their reuse is made easier:

Spanish SDI geoportal

The SDI of Spain is made up of the following SDI nodes at the national and regional levels (see SDI local nodes here.)

National SDI nodes  
Ministry Organization
National Cartographic System (SCN) Coordinated production and publication of data through the National Cartographic Plan. SCN publishes the following datasets for the following INSPIRE themes: OI. TN, HY, GN, AU, CP, BU, AD, EL, LU, LC… involving national and regional bodies responsible for the data.
Ministry of Finance Main responsible for the following INSPIRE themes: AD, BU, CP
  Directorate General for Cadastre
Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda Responsible for the following INSPIRE themes: TN, HY, GN, AU, LC, LU, EL, OI, NZ, etc
  Administrator of Railway Infrastructures (ADIF)
  Government agency Puertos del Estado
  National Geographic Institute (IGN)
  Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) of Spain (HERMES proyect)
  Directorate General for Architecture, Housing and Land (Urban Information System)
  Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transition Responsible for the following INSPIRE themes: SU, PD, etc.
  National Statistics Institute
Ministry of Defense Responsible for the following INSPIRE themes: AU, US, etc.
  Marine Hydrographic Institute (IHM)
Ministry of Science and Innovation Main responsible for the following INSPIRE themes: GE, SO, OF,SR, etc.
  Geological and Mining Institute of Spain
  Oceanographic Spanish Institute SDI
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) Main responsible for the following INSPIRE themes: AF, PF, AM, EF, etc.
  Spanish Agrarian Guarantee Fund (FEGA)
Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) Main responsible for the following INSPIRE themes: SD, HY, HB, EF, MF, AC, PS, ER, etc.
  Nature Database
  Geoportal petrol stations and recharging points
  Mining Cadastre
  State Meteorological Agency (AEMET)
  Hydrographic Confederations

SDIs at regional level are regulated by a law or decree that establishes their functions to publish geographic information. For example, in 2022, Aragon government published the Law 3/2022, of 6 October, on Geographic Information in Aragon (LIGA) with the aim of establishing a legal regime for the geographical information and cartographic activity of Aragon. LIGA defines the Knowledge Infrastructure of Aragon (ICEARAGON).

Regional SDI nodes  
Andalusia SDI of the Andalusian Regional Government. (IDEAndalucia)
Aragon Spatial Knowledge Infrastructure of Aragon. (ICEARAGON)
Balearic Islands SDI of the Balearic Islands Government. (IDEIB)
Basque Country SDI Basque Country. (geoEuskadi)
- Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa SDI Gipuzkoa. (SDI Gipuzkoa)
- Provincial Council of Araba SDI Araba. (GeoAraba)
- Provincial Council of Bizkaia SDI Bizkaia. (GeoBizkaia)
Canary SDI the Canary Islands Government. (IDECanarias)
Cantabria SDI of Cantabria. (IDE Cantabria)
Castile and Leon SDI of the Castile-Leon Regional Government. (IDEECyL)
Castile–La Mancha SDI of the Castilla la Mancha Regional Government. (IDE-CLM)
Catalonia SDI of Catalonia. (IDEC)
Extremadura SDI of the Extremadura Regional Government. (IDEextremadura)
Galicia SDI of the Regional Government of Galicia. (IDEG)
La Rioja SDI of the Government of La Rioja. (IDERioja)
Madrid SDI of the Community of Madrid. (IDEM)
Murcia SDI of the Region of Murcia. (IDERM)
Principality of Asturias SDI of Asturias from the Principality of Asturias Government. (SITPA-IDEAS)
Regional Community of Navarra SDI of the Government of Navarre. (IDENA)
Valencian Community SDI of Valencia. (IDEV)


National Contact Point

Coordination Structure & Progress:

Coordination structure

Geographic High Council is the director body of the National Cartographic System (SCN), having consultation and planning role for the official geographic information and cartography. Geographic High Council is the National Contact Point for INSPIRE and the coordination and direction for the Spanish SDI.

Spanish SDI coordination

Geographic High Council created the Executive Board of the Geographic Information Infrastructure of Spain (CODIIGE) for managing and controlling IDEE. It takes responsibility for directing Spain’s SDI, and immediately began to define the Technical WGs with the objective of analysing the application of the implementing rules of INSPIRE by the Spanish Public Administrations and helping their bodies and Organizations to achieve compliance. Furthermore, it is the body responsible for coordination and management of the SDI of Spain, owing to which it is responsible for its constitution and maintenance, being responsible for:

  1. Proposing to the competent Authorities the actions to be performed by the Administrations or Organizations of the public sector for the establishment of the IDEE.
  2. Guaranteeing its accessibility and interoperability.
  3. Integrating the contributions of other producers or suppliers.

The CODIIGE deal with interinstitutional coordination the organization of Spanish SDI (IDEE) is based on 14 national and 17 regional nodes; each regional node establishes the necessary coordination with the local administration and other agents.

Depending on CODIIGE:

The National Cartographic System, defined in Royal Decree 1545/2007 and promoted by Law 14/2010, which establishes the coordination of data production via the National Cartographic Plan and the sharing of data between the Autonomous Communities that sign the generic agreement and the General State Administration.

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) is responsible for the implementation of the government’s policy on agricultural, livestock and fisheries resources, agri-food industry and food and charged withtasks within the framework of the agricultural and fisheries community policy. Depending on MAPA there is:

Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) is responsible for developing the government policy on fight against climate change, prevention of pollution, protecting the natural heritage, biodiversity, forests, sea, water and energy for a more ecological and productive social model. Depending on MITECO there are:


High-Value Datasets (HVD)

The CODIIGE has carried out a preliminary study of High-Value Datasets (HVD) to be made available for re-use according to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/138 of laying down a list of specific high-value datasets and the arrangements for their publication and re-use.

All datasets (100 %) are available for re-use under the conditions of the Creative Commons BY 4.0 licence, or any equivalent or less restrictive open licence allowing for unrestricted re-use and their metadata elements set out in the Annex to Regulation (EC) Nº 1205/2008.

Those HVDs with national scope are accessible through their metadata in the Official Catalogue of Inspire Data and Services (CODSI).

HVDs accessible in the CODSI catalogue 2022 (datasets) 2023 (datasets)
Geospatial 29 32: 5 of AU, 7 of GN, 7 of AD, 6 of BU, 5 of CP, 2 of GSAA, LPIS
Earth Observation and enviroment 184 253
Mobility 3 3 of TN

Spanish HVD’s are published in CODSI, geoportal INSPIRE and European Data Portal in 2023:

Spain’s recovery and resilience plan Procurement for the modernisation of the Spatial Data Infrastructure for Spain (IDEE) through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan with an estimated budget of 11 052 000 € for the next 4 years (2021-2024). The contracts cover the following topics:

Strengthening the work carried out between the Cadastre and the Land Registry. The Spanish Law 13/2015 implements an effective coordination of transactions executed by Cadastre and the Property Rights Registry. These institutions are two separate organizations with differentiated mandates and competences, both working in the domain of land administration. The Cadastre, registries and notaries have worked together to design a technologically advanced model of institutional interaction for this coordination purpose based in the INSPIRE GML of the Cadastral Parcel and the position of the Building.

Navarra Territorial Information System (SITNA) has developed a Strategic Plan 2020-2023 manages the official geographic information for the Government of Navarra. Activities include: Maintenance and management of the geographic database and its metadata, mechanisms for updating information and integrating systems, developing desktop applications for different user profiles (consultation, analysis, fieldwork), development and maintenance of the Navarra Geoportal: including development of necessary applications and services to operate this website, exploitation of the system’s information, dissemination and participation in national and international events, participation in SITNA coordination bodies. Now, Navarre are working on the new Strategic Plan 2024-2028.

Geospatially Enabled Ecosystem for Europe (GeoE3): National Cartographic System (SCN) of Spain co-operated with Estonia, Netherlands, Norway, Finalnd and OGC in the project co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union, GeoE3 project, since 2020 until 2024, providing a connection between existing and emerging national, regional and cross-border digital services. It provided a dynamic integration of high-value data sets and services (e.g. meteorological or statistical data) with geospatial features from existing national geospatial data platforms (e.g. building data or road network data).

The products of the National Cartographic System, SDI Catalonia and SDI Navarre are published through the OGC APIs in GeoJSON format. (see OGC APIs here)

Spanish Agrarian Guarantee Fund (FEGA) participates in DG AGRI process for IACS data sharing under INSPIRE

Emergency Registry Portal (PRE) of the Land Registry Office (CORPME) provides access to the land registers that enable the land registry properties to be located on the territory.

Conferences, meetings and workshops in 2023


Functioning and coordination of the infrastructure


INSPIRE priority dataset

Cadastral Parcels, Addresses and buildings

High-Value Datasets (HVD)

The CODIIGE monitors that INSPIRE HVDs comply with the conditions set out in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/138 of laying down a list of specific high-value datasets and the arrangements for their publication and re-use.

Usage of the infrastructure for spatial information

Some figures about metadata and catalogues

Resources are published through the following national catalogues:

National Catalogues (resources) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Comment
Spanish SDI Catalogue 10500 11461 13120 14155 43387 Catalogue connected to each of the national, regional and local SDI node catalogues.
Official Catalogue of Inspire Data and Services (CODSI) 457 527 543 566 665 Catalogue prepared for the harvesting of the European Commission on the 15 th of December each year. (Contains the priority datasets)
Spanish Open Data - - 543 of out 58.000 543 of out 68.492 522 of out 80.760 Promoting the openig of public and development advanced services based on data.
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) and Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) catalogues 84 91 92 75 194 Publish priority dataset
Geological and Mining Institute - - 1200 1300 1379 Geological datasets
Spanish Institute of Oceanography - - - 5300 6350 Ocenography datasets
Marine Hydrographic Institute - - - 112 131 Ocenography datasets

Note: All of them (resources) have an open license and and most of the datasets have the Creative Commons BY 4.0 licence, or any equivalent or less restrictive open licence.

Resources are published through the following regional catalogues:

Regional Catalogues (resources) 2022 2023
Andalusia SDI 5.610 5.704
Aragón SDI 16.725 16.867
Balearic Islands SDI 208 215
Canary SDI 505 535
Cantabria SDI 150 201
Castile and Leon SDI 128 137
Castile–La Mancha SDI 154 24
Catalonia SDI 4.377 5.312
Regional Community of Navarra SDI 1.597 1.675
Valencian Community SDI 1.124 1.159
Extremadura SDI 309 583
Galicia Community SDI 430 367
La Rioja Community SDI 700 179
Basque Country SDI 232 233
Madrid SDI 135 240
Murcia SDI 225 227
Principality of Asturias SDI 109 119

Note: On this website you can consult all the catalogues of the other Spanish SDI nodes.

Some figures on the use of network services:

INSPIRE services are increasingly used and included in the production processes of organisations and private companies. The following figures show that the number of requests for services has been consistently higher than in the previous year.

National Cartographic System (SCN) Statistics on the publication of the spatial data of the National Cartographic System that coordinates the production of data through the National Cartographic Plan by means of the participation of the national and Autonomous Community bodies.

Total number of requests View service type 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
PNOA1 (OI) WMTS/WMS/TMS 5.403.392.858 6.774.617.706 8.264.793.443 8.319.996.970 18.860.503.649
Base map (TN, HY, BU, AU, GN, AD, EL, LU, LC) WMTS/WMS/TMS 4.700.082.351 7.224.409.758 9.286.960.084 27.810.517.087
SIOSE2/CORINE (LC/LU) WMTS/WMS/TMS 7.477.839 8.000.000 8.500.000 9.122.177 14.173.783
DTM 5m/25m (EL) WMTS/WMS/TMS 12.988.711 5.734.919 6.183.504 25.675.023 225.006.331


The most viewed INSPIRE themes in 2023 are:

TN, HY, BU, AU, GN, AD, EL 27.810.544.087
OI 18.860.503.649
EL 225.006.331
AU 208.028.175
TN 16.368.395
LC/LU 14.173.783
HY 10.677.031
GN 3.721.964

The most downloaded INSPIRE themes in 2023 are:

Total number of some requests Download service type 2022 2023
AU WFS/OGC API 2.051.919.054/- 4.521.442.017/-
SIOSE1/CORINE (LC/LU) WFS/OGC API 569.396/- 459.461/68.973
DTM 5m/25m (EL) WCS/OGC API 61.354.665/- 119.815.518/1.466
HY WCS/OGC API 597.500/- 675.057/735.900


National Geographic Institute (IGN)

Total number of requests 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
34 WMS 386.792.657 1.086.603.543 1.190.443.472 1.908.622.017 1.785.732.056
13 WMTS 17.898.104.072 16.642.860.898 6.733.287.150 5.800.622.917
7 TMS - - 5.339.072.517 18.780.864.538 47.429.155.710
7 WFS 31.010.430 41.859.494 19.589.574 10.453.976 4.668.732
3 WCS - - - 61.440.535 119.985.582
OGC API - - - - 1.042.550

Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) and Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA)

Figures of priority data sets and HVD services:

Total number of requests 2021 2022 2023
All WMS 150.449.599 112.104.591 166.912.796
All WMTS 38.262.839 34.003.746 27.799.441
All WFS 579.592 447.999 52.415
1 CSW 282.782 346.393 352.279
Total 189.574.812 146.904.751 195.118.954

Spanish Agrarian Guarantee Fund (FEGA). FEGA is an independent body under the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA), whose main mission is to ensure that the EAGF (European Agricultural Guarantee Fund) funds and EAFRD (Agricultural Fund for Rural Development) of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) assigned to Spain are strictly applied in order to achieve this policy’s objective, efficiently reaching the beneficiaries that comply with the requirements established for its concession, within the deadlines indicated in the regulations, promoting a homogeneous application of the CAP subsidies across the entire State, preventing fraud and minimising the risks of financial corrections arising from the incorrect management of these Funds.

Figures of Agricultural parcels data sets:

Total number of requests 2023
Visits to the viewer 5 million users
Number of files downloaded 593.118 files SHP and GPKG
Number of GB downloaded 2.628,71 GB

General Directorate for Cadastre is responsible for the formation and maintenance of the Real Estate Cadastre as well as the dissemination of cadastral information (Addresses, Buildings, Cadastral parcels data sets).

Figures of Addresses, Buildings, Cadastral parcels data sets:

Total number of requests 2023
Visits to the viewer ([Land Registry Office]( 6.168.647.743
WMS 461.984.297
WFS 6.927.886
Gazeteer (addresses) 336.086.612

At the regional level, we highlight the Basque Government, Aragon, Extremadura, Asturias and La Rioja.

SDI Basque Country (geoEuskadi) It facilitates the publication of geographic data and services to the bodies and entities of the public sector of Basque Country, as well as allowing easy and efficient access to this information and other information published by other SDI nodes at State, Foral and local level.

Total number of requests 2021 2022 2023
WMS, WMTS, WCS 232.676.357 113.245.651 116.248.132
Other services - - 56.514.979
Resources (Catalogue) 232 232 233

GeoEuskadi coordinates:

Total number of requests 2021 2022 2023
22 WMS 19.129.597 26.505.980 36.011.584
OI WMTS - - 8.665.300
4 WFS 50.368 43.704 104.874
Resources (Catalogue) 39 datasets/20 services 39 datasets/20 services 39 datasets/22 services
Total number of requests 2021 2022 2023
WMS, WMTS/TMS, WFS, WCS 53.092.026 39.263.421 38.682.586
GB download 4.888,13 7.369,84 5.931,1
Nº files GML download 586 302 1.138
Resources (Catalogue) 18 datasets 18 datasets 22 datasets

New SDI geoportal with 7 WMS, 8 WMTS and 3 WFS: (5,567 sessions with an average length of 3:47 minutes)

Total number of resorces 2022 2023
Resources (Catalogue) 118 datasets/5 services 121 datasets/5 services

Aragón Government (ICEARAGON): Spatial Knowledge Infrastructure of Aragon (ICEARAGON) is a technological solution developed by the Geographic Institute of Aragón (IGEAR). IGEAR is a dependent service of the Directorate General of Territory Planning of the Aragón Government. IGEAR is dedicated to manage the production, obtain and treatment of the territorial documentation, as well as the diffusion of territory planning information. At the beginning ICEARAGON was called IDEAragon.

Total number of requests 2020 2021 2022 2023
WMS/WFS (WMTS in 2022) 18.132.970 19.433.170 20.003.306 50.008.265
CSW/WCS 928.669 824.119 951.563 2.380.393
GB download (WMS, WFS) 9.027,42 8.174,67 18.148,23 4.988.400,2
Features download (GML) 2.557 1.872 1.606 2.440
Resources (Catalogue) - - 16724 16867

The SDI of Aragon is working to include the knowledge graph in the geographic information search clients. Example here.

SDI Extremadura (IDEEX)

Total number of requests 2021 2022 2023
WMS 136.903.721 175.640.326 147.581.203
WFS (GB download) 12.014,57 14.886,15 13.376,17

Territorial Information System and Spatial Data Infrastructure of Asturias (SITPA–IDEAS)

Total number of requests 2021 2022 2023
WMTS 1.273.510 1.531.647 1.965.065
WMS 3.808.501 7.460.261 8.303.497

SDI La Rioja (IDERioja)

Total number of requests 2023
WMS (GetCapaabilities) 158.536
WMS (GetMap) 455.896
WFS (GetCapabilities) 60.175
WFS (GetFeature) 95.182
WCS (GetFeature) 5.849
WCS (GetCoverage) 8.951

The above figures are a small sample of some of the organisations existing in Spain at national and regional level. More than 4300 OGC services are listed in the IDEE catalogue.

Data Sharing Arrangements

National Cartographic System (SCN)

Agreements or conventions co-financed by the autonomous administrations and national organizations

There are hundreds agreements or conventions co-financed by the autonomous administrations and national organizations. These agreements usually are collaborationand institutional between national, regional anl local organizations. Many of these agreements are reflected in the National Cartographic System (SCN). Another good example is agreements between environmental organisations and departments of Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) and Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO). We highlight the following agreements:

Costs and Benefits


Some figures: A study performed in 2019 has roughly evaluated the annual cost of the national node of Spanish SDI in 120,000 € and the social benefits provide society with publishing viewing services in 1 M €, of a published map tile using its API. An approximated not very accurate estimation of cost-benefits ratio gives a result of at least 1:8 which must be only considered as an idea of the order of magnitude.

Spanish SDI (IDEE) 2020 2021 2022 2023
Estimated annual cost per web service. 2.670€ 2.670€ 2.670€ 2.670€
Estimated annual cost of maintaining a Spanish SDI geoportal. 50.000€ (new) 25.000€ 25.000€ 25.000€
Publication of SCN datasets via OGC APIs - - 87.139€ 100.000€
Spanish Catalogue (IDEE), CODSI and another tasks - 18.076€ 22.096€ 30.000€
MAPA SDI and MITECO SDI is the central access point to the INSPIRE priority data set provided for environmental reporting. 2020 2021 2022 2023
Estimated annual cost per web service. 1.047€ 1.375€ 1.375€ 1.192,53€
Estimated annual cost of maintaining a MAPA/MITECO SDI geoportal. - 1.371.837€ 1.371.837€ 1.465.620,56€
Spanish Agrarian Guarantee Fund (FEGA) 2023
Estimated annual cost of WMS. 7.600€
Estimated annual cost of ATOM. 6.650€
Estimated annual cost of viewer. 48.600€
ICEARAGON 2020(savings) 2021(savings) 2022(savings) 2023(savings)
EU average session cost: €6.11 according to EU/IGN source Gross savings: 111.873.667€ Gross savings: 111.873.667€ Gross savings: 12.240.199€ Gross savings: 29.589.691,3€
  Actual savings: 593.683€ Actual savings: 593.683€ Actual savings: 612,009€ Actual savings: 1.479.484,6€
Average session cost in Spain 5.5 € according to INE source Potential savings: 10.688.243€ Potential savings: 10.688.243€ Potential savings: 11.018.183€ Potential savings: 26.635.565€
  Actual savings: 534.412€ Actual savings: 534.412€ Actual savings: 550.909€ Actual savings: 1.331.778,3€
Services of ARAGEA - 928.699€ 1.132.088€ 1.171.800€
IGEAR estimates € per request/service - 0,33€ 0,33€ 0,33€

D.F. Bizkaia: Cost in euros of the technical staff developing the project who are in charge of the publication of the datasets 32.960,10€.

Spain’s recovery and resilience plan Procurement for the modernisation of the Spatial Data Infrastructure for Spain (IDEE) through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan with an estimated budget of 11.052.000 € for the next 4 years (2021-2024). The contracts cover the following topics.


Economic benefits of the SDI central node (CNIG and University of Leuven) A study about the benefits and value of the Central SDI-node of Spain by KU Leuven and CNIG to develop and test a methodology for quantifying the benefits or value of the central SDI-node of Spain by comparing WMS/WMTS using figures with the fee-models applied by some Member States (France, Finland and Sweden) and the feed-model applied by Google for its Google Maps API’s. Moreover, also the value of the geospatial datasets downloaded is quantified based on the fee-models applied in some of the Member States. A calculator has been designed to enable organisations to calculate the benefit of publishing data through OGC services.

SDI of Aragon has carried out a report on the performance of the Spatial Knowledge Infrastructure of Aragon (ICEARAGON) and the Active Geodesy Network of Aragon (AREAGA) that has led to a saving of almost two million euros for citizens in 2023.

Territorial Information System and Spatial Data Infrastructure of Asturias (SITPA–IDEAS)

Benefit/Value 2021 2022 2023
Parameter 1 (tiles/WMS) - to be entered 36 36 36
Number of requests per year, WMS, weighted 1.273.510 1.531.647 1.965.065
Total number of requests per year, WMTS+WMS, weighted 3.808.501 7.460.261 8.303.497
Parameter 2 (tiles/user session) - to be entered 200 200 200
Number of user sessions per year 691.898 1.350.505 1.504.455
Number of user sessions per month 57.658 112.542 125.371
Parameter 3 (price/1000 sessions/month) - to be entered 7 7 7
Value per month 404 788 878
Value per year 4.843 9.454 10.531

The Data Economy in the Infomediary field ASEDIE, Multisectorial Information Association, brings together infomediary companies, which use, re-use and distribute information from different sectors, creating value-added products that contribute to greater security for global merchant traffic by boosting the economy through the application of methods that favor the reliability and transparency of commercial transactions in the business world. This report is based on 43 surveys of companies in the infomediary sector, which analyse and process information from the public and private sectors to create value-added products for third party companies or the general public. ASEDIE’s annual report (2023)highlights has the following conclusions:

Other benefits are: